Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Simplest of Sweaters

The type of sweater I can throw on at any given time of day with a pair of jeans and head out the door are always number one for me. Effortless, comfortable, and in a soothing shade of grey.


{after dark}


  1. Do you know where I can get one?

  2. I could actually only trace back to this site ( which is of little help because I couldn't find the post as to where it came from! I emailed the author so fingers crossed she'll reply.

    ps. you're not alone, I desperately want one too.

  3. Thanks! Hopefully we get a reply!

  4. I have one of those, it saved me multiple times this winter, and I could not love another piece more (at least when I'm cold).

  5. Very wise of you, Gabriella, very wise.
